[Conférence] Songs of memory, an international conference on epics and ballads - Philippines


an international conference on epics and ballads


JANUARY 20-22, 2011

Safeguarding Cultural Heritage at the Turn of the 21st Century

Preserving epics and ballads safeguards Intangible Heritage, fosters pride of self in cultural communities and in the nation, as a whole, and advances UNESCO's concern for Intangible Heritage.

This conference launches the "Philippine Epics and Ballads Archive" of Ateneo de Manila University, a collection recorded, transcribed, and translated with the guidance and dedication of Dr. Nicole Revel, Director of Research Emeritus at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in collaboration with singers of tales, scholars and local knowledgeable persons. It is now also being digitized.

Scholars from the Philippines, Europe and Southeast Asia will discuss ways of storing oral narratives in the light of contemporary multimedia technology and will share their views on the interpretation of sung narratives.

Ateneo de Manila University acknowledges with thanks the support of the French Embassy in Manila for this conference

All details on: http://ateneo.edu/songsofmemory/