Connecting the Oceans: Music of the African Diaspora

In the "International Year for People of African descent", this workshop draws attention to the cultural survivals of the African diaspora in South Asia, through music. Participants will have the opportunity to learn the reverberating melodies and rhythms of musical genres - Manha, Kaffrinha, Baila and Bodu Beru - which ring out the African presence.


The event will be led by Dr Shihan de Silva, Senior Fellow (Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London), pianist, musicologist, and author of African Identity in Asia (Markus Wiener Publishers, New Jersey, USA 2008) and The African Diaspora in Asian Trade Routes and Cultural Memories (Edwin Mellen Press, UK, 2010).

Njok Malik Jeng (Yaram Arts)

For further details:

<em>[Atelier]</em> Senate House, Malet Street, Londres WC1E7HU