Capitalism, Regimes of Surveillance And the Covid-19 Pandemics: Lessons From China and Beyond

Organisé par l'Eurics
? 16 décembre 2021 - 18:00
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À propos de l'événement

The Covid-19 pandemics has shed light and exacerbated pre-existing global regimes of surveillance articulating state bio-political power and the increasingly invasive tech-enabled security industry. This webinar will discuss how ethno-racialized populations such as Uighurs in North-West China or immigrants in the US have become the targets of processes of “digital enclosure” and “digital confinement”. It will also explore what effects these complex configurations of surveillance produce and how they are being resisted.

Darren Byler(Simon Fraser University, Canada):
“Managing public health and disciplining the body politic: super-panoptic surveillance and grassroots policing in contemporary Northwest China”.

Vanessa Frangville(Université Libre de Bruxelles/EASt, Belgium):
“Exposing Surveillance In The Uyghur Region In The Web Series Anar Pishti”.

Carolina Sanchez Boe(University of Aarhus, Denmark and Université Paris Descartes, France):
“Governing Migration During the C-19 Pandemic: Electronic Monitoring as an ‘Alternative’ to Immigration Detention in the USA”.

Chair and discussant:Ralph Litzinger(Duke University, USA).

Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash
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