Democracy in crisis: Civil Society and democracy in post-democratization South Korea

Dans le cadre du séminaire “Usages publics du passé” de Sabina Loriga avec David Schreiber et Olaf Bortz

Kim Dong-Choon

professeur de sociologie
SungKongHoe University (Séoul), invité de l’EHESS

donne une conférence intitulée

“Democracy in crisis: Civil Society and democracy in post-democratization South Korea”

le 28 janvier 2020 à 13h – 15h
dans la salle ASI_08, EHESS, 54 bd. Raspail, Paris 6e

After the 1987’s democratization, South Korean society witnessed the great upsurge of labor movements and civic organizations. But, in a staunchly anti-Communist South Korea, the numbers of people in labor unions remains about ten percent, which also may be the lowest among OECD countries. Community organization and civic participation in grass roots politics has been still underdeveloped, although there have been advances in the political democratization. As neo-liberalism or market fundamentalism took the place of anticommunist liberalism after 1997, the steps toward reforming labor relations and civil society have been distorted and weakened by which social power for deepening democratization and welfare state could not be sufficiently formed. I will give lectures on the situation of the Korean working class and civic organizations in order to explain current Korean political society in comparative perspective.

salle ASI_08, EHESS, 54 bd. Raspail