This year's Alsace workshop invites papers to discuss "transnational Japanese spaces" widely from social science and humanities. We aim to understand the historical and contemporary development of transnational Japanese spaces and how such spaces are imagined and depicted in Japanese culture.
The 7th EU-Japan Young Scholars Workshop in Alsace Transnational Japanese Spaces
While the nation-state remains a vital container in our world today, there is a significant development of transnational spaces evolving in Japan in various forms and settings, either public or private, urban or rural, virtual or physical spaces, as a result of drastic increasing migrants, international students, and tourists. At the same time, Japan generated spaces with substantial transnational characteristics in the past, such as port cities where foreign merchants enter, the neighborhoods where American military bases are concentrated, and cities and towns where ethnic minorities reside. Also, we should not forget about the "Japanese transnational spaces" where
Japanese diasporas become actors in creating transnational social spaces in foreign lands, most notably known as “Japanese towns.” Furthermore, the workshop would also like to pay attention to the culture of transnational space. On the one hand, culture is crucial in creating transnational spaces that mediate and hybridize Japanese and foreigners. On the other hand, the representation of transnational spaces in Japanese culture also requires in-depth exploration. For example, how ethnic towns are portrayed in Japanese films, literature, and anime. We invite papers that touch upon but are not limited to these points. We aim to develop ideas on the characteristics of transnational Japanese space while comparing it with those in Europe and other parts of the world.
Keynote Speeches (Titles may be subject to change)
➢ Katja Schmidtpott (Ruhr University Bochum)
“Transnational Approach to Japanese Urban History”
➢ Christophe Thouny (Ritsumeikan University)
“Planetary Imaginations of Postwar Japan”
Reports of our past workshops on Japanese transnationalism
➢ 2023: Transnational Change in Contemporary Japan
➢ 2022: Japanese Transnationalism and Empire
➢ 2021: Japanese Studies and Transnationalism
Workshop Format
➢ Presenters: Approximately 10 presenters
➢ Presentation: 40 minutes for each presenter (20 minutes presentation + 20 minutes discussion)
➢ Language: Presentations and comments in English, Japanese, or French (no interpretation)
➢ Chairs: Hideto Tsuboi (Waseda), Kei Takata (Hosei), Regine Mathias (CEEJA)
➢ Commentators: Erich Pauer (CEEJA), Josef Kyburz (CNRS), Masahi Oguchi (Hosei), Nozomi Takahashi
(Strasbourg), Shin Abiko (Hosei), Tsutomo Hoshino (Hosei), Yasuko Yokoyama (Hosei), Yusuke
Suzumura (Meijo)
Eligibility, Application, and Condition
➢ Eligibility: The workshop is intended for early-career researchers—Ph.D. students, postdocs, and
young scholars who hold junior positions at academic institutions in Europe and Japan.
➢ Travel grant:
- Presenters will be paid for travel costs (submission of travel receipts required).
- Accommodation and meals during the workshop period will be provided.
➢ Application procedure: Applicants must submit the following documents.
- Proposal title (English and Japanese) and abstract (max. 300 words in English or max. 800 letters
in Japanese)
- Current curriculum vitae
- Submission for applicants traveling from Europe: Frédéric EBRARD (
- Submission for applicants traveling from Japan: HIJAS office (
Deadline: September 8th (Sun), 2024
➢ Frédéric EBRARD (CEEJA Program Administrator) E-mail:
European Center for Japanese Studies in Alsace / Centre Européen d'Etudes Japonaises d'Alsace
Tél. +33 (0)3 68 61 09 06
➢ Hosei University Research Center for International Japanese Studies
E-mail: Tel: (+81)-3-3264-9682