?️ Marie Bizais-Lillig, Jessica Imbach, Frank Kraushaar, Evelyne Lesigne-Audoly, Olga Lomova, Evan Nicoll-Johnson, Michael Schimmelpfennig, Martin Svensson, Xiaofei Tian et Michel Vieillard-Baron.
? organised by Marie BIZAIS-LILLIG (University of Strasbourg) with the support of CRCAO (UMR 8155) and of GÉO (UR 1340)
?️ cofinanced by the GIS Asie
? December, thursday 15th (9h-19h) and friday 16th (8h30-16h30) 2022
?University of Strasbourg - 4 Rue Blaise Pascal, 67081 Strasbourg
? workshop all in english
? registration according to the number of places available
This project aims at bringing up general – if not theoretical – ideas and questions in relation to the commentary, its textuality, its position within the textual realm and its gestures toward other texts. As such, it will be enriched by contributions from specialists of commentaries and paratexts in the West. It will also benefit from a diachronic perspective by including case studies from all periods of history.