PhD award

Initiating a PhD thesis prize coincides with the priority given to young scholars in the actions of the GIS Asie. This award is a distinction for outstanding PhD research conducted on Asia, in the humanities and the social sciences. The PhD candidate should have been enrolled either in a French university or in an institution that is a member of GIS Asie.

The third edition (2020)

The third edition of the PhD thesis award on Asia addressed PhD dissertations that were submitted in 2018-2019, with more than 60 applications. The jury’s chair was Myriam de Loenzien, deputy director of GIS Asie. 15 PhD thesis had been initially shortlisted. Three awards were given to:

Bérénice Girard

Bérénice Girard :The engineers, the river and the State : Role and place of engineers in the management of the Ganges, EHESS [in French]

Raphaël Blanchier

Raphaël Blanchier :Mongolian Dances as Heritage : Performance and Transmission of the Biy Biyelgee and the scenic Mongolian dance in Contemporary Mongolia, EPHE [in French]

Thi Kieu Ly Pham

Thi Kieu Ly Pham : Grammatization of Vietnamese Language (1615-1919) : a History of Grammars and Romanized Script of Vietnamese, Univ. Paris Sorbonne Nouvelle [in French]

The second edition (2018)

The second edition of the PhD thesis award on Asia addressed PhD dissertations that were submitted in 2016-2017, with more than 60 applications. The jury’s chair was Myriam de Loenzien, deputy director of GIS Asie. 20 PhD thesis had been initially shortlisted. Three awards were given to:


Juliette Cleuziou

Juliette Cleuziou : Mariages, Démariages et Remariages. Rituel, genre et parenté au Tadjikistan contemporain, anthropology, université Paris Nanterre (2016)

David Serfass

David Serfass : Le gouvernement collaborateur de Wang Jingwei : aspects de l’État d’occupation durant la guerre sino-japonaise, 1940-1945, history, EHESS

Clemence julien

Clémence Jullien : Du bidonville à l'hÎpital. Anthropologie de la santé de la reproduction au Rajasthan (Inde du Nord), anthropology, université Paris Nanterre (2016)


The first edition (2016)

The first edition of the PhD thesis award on Asia was launched in 2016, with more than 50 applications. Three awards were given to:

Photo Marie gibert

Marie Gibert: “Les ruelles de Ho Chi Minh Ville, Vietnam. Trame viaire et recomposition des espaces publics", under the supervision of Prof. Thierry Sanjuan, at UniversitĂ© Paris PanthĂ©on-Sorbonne ;

Photo Ingrid Le Gargasson

Ingrid Le Gargasson: “La fabrique des maütres. Anthropologie des pratiques de transmission de la musique hindoustanie ou les enjeux de l'institutionnalisation d'un savoir dans l'Inde contemporaine", under the supervision of Prof. Gilles Tarabout, at EHESS;

Photo Valérie Vandenabeele

Valérie Vandenabeele : " Les nouveaux horizons des Tibétains de Pudacuo. Politique, conservation et globalisation dans le premier parc national de Chine (Shangri-La,Yunnan) ", under the supervision of Prof. Brigitte Baptandier-Berthier, at University Paris-Nanterre.

The jury decided to give a special mention (accessit) to Huayan Wang for her PhD manuscript: “Cui Fujun, entre juge des enfers et magistrats locaux : les sociĂ©tĂ©s locales vues Ă  travers l’évolution d’un culte local en Chine du XIe au XVe siĂšcle", under the supervision of Prof. Christian Lamouroux, at EHESS.