The overarching aim of the French Academic Network for Asian Studies (GIS Asie) is to bring together, coordinate and support the communities in the field of Asian studies that have a connection with France.
It includes 80% of the community, i.e. 1,130 scholars, in 33 research teams located in France, Belgium and Asia. These teams belong to 25 universities and research institutions that are joined together by an agreement that formalizes the network.
The creation of this network acknowledges the vibrancy of research in the domain of area studies, that is also reflected by the creation of the GIS “Americas (Institut des Amériques),” “Africas” and “Middle East and the Islamic World.”
Goals and activities
The GIS Asie aims at:
- Structuring and federating French Asian Studies
- Participating in the training of young scholars
- Providing support to the internationalization of the French Asian Studies community
- Carrying out scientific monitoring, disseminating and supporting Asian Studies research work
- Organization of an Asian Studies congress every two year since 2015;
- Organization of a book prize and a PhD dissertation prize;
- Support to young scholars (international conference grants) and to the activities organized by the young scholars’ committee (workshops);
- Support to scientific events on Asia organized by its member institutions;
- Monitoring the state-of-the-art in Asian Studies. It has published a white paper on Asian Studies in France, with a first qualitative volume published in 2013, then a second quantitative volume in 2016;
- Publication of award-winning manuscripts in its book series at CNRS Editions (“Etudes asiatiques”).
The Network has one director and one vice-director who have been elected by the scientific board for a 5 year period (2017-2022).
The scientific board is comprised of 40 scholars in the field of Asian Studies whose areas of expertise encompass all disciplines across the humanities and social sciences, and the whole of Asia. It meets several times a year to discuss orientations, actions to be undertaken and how to implement them. List of members (2017-2022)
The steering board includes representatives of the universities and research institutions that are members of the GIS Asie. It holds an annual review meeting, to examine the activity report, the financial report and new member applications.