Digital control in China and new possibilities for agency: an analytical and methodological approach

This workshop for doctoral students, master's students and researchers has received the support of Inalco Doctoral School, l’Institut Français de Recherche sur l’Asie de l’Est (IFRAE), and the University of Bordeaux-Montaigne. It is offered as part of the IFRAE project Power, Counter-power, Influence coordinated by Guibourg Delamotte and Chloé Froissart, and Chloé Froissart's master's seminar Politics in Contemporary China, actors and institutions, and the Project Co-Ref.

Kai von Carnap | Rémi Castets | Chloe Froissart | Christian Göbel | Wai-Yip Ho | Huang Ke
Organisé par
18 OCT. 2024 À 09H00
Inalco - Maison de la Recherche - Salle de Sacy

As access to the Chinese field has become much more restricted, the Internet is now the privileged place for observing the political balance of power between state and society, and among social actors. This requires new skills from researchers. This workshop will have two objectives. On the one hand, it will take stoke of the characteristics of AI and internet control in China over the past few years while showing that the new forms of Internet regulation imposed by the Chinese government, far from establishing total control, offer new possibilities of resistance to social actors (morning session). On the other hand, it will introduce new OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) research methods making it possible to collect and scientifically exploit the data available online (afternoon session).

Digital control in Chine
digital control in China © Sapore di Cina‎
2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris