Doctoral Winter School: Transnational Migration in Southeast Asia (TRIMSEA)

27 nov. 2023 à 11h00

🗣️ The Research Institute of Contemporary Southeast Asia (IRASEC)

📅 27 November - 9 December 2023

📍Bangkok & Kuala Lumpur

📩 appel à candidatures

The Research Institute of Contemporary Southeast Asia (IRASEC) organises an annual winter school in the social sciences and humanities, in collaboration with a range of European and Southeast Asian universities and research centers. The purpose of these workshops is to stimulate discourse and exchange regarding research on Southeast Asia within the scope of social sciences and humanities. IRASEC’s winter schools are designed to endorse comparative and regional research methodologies, facilitate the interaction of students, and promote co-tutorship and co-supervision of dissertations for early-career researchers in Southeast Asia, particularly those who exhibit an interest in continuing their studies in France. In 2023, the IRASEC winter school will be dedicated to migration in Southeast Asia.

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