Sino-Vatican Diplomatic Relations. The Vatican Relations with both Sides of the Strait (1912-1978)

✍️ Alexandre Tsung-ming CHEN

The relations between the Vatican and the two regimes each on one side of the Taiwan Strait evolve through ups and downs in close connection with geopolitical and ecclesial developments in the region. The changing relations not only triggered concern from all related parties but also prompted numerous debates in the international media. The growing attention paid to this issue from different individuals, institutions, and governments indicate that the ebb and flow of the relations among the trio actors - PRC, ROC, and the Vatican - have overflown beyond the spiritual sphere and well into the political and diplomatic domains. This situation, resultant from the nature and application of the Holy See’s diplomacy, remains an underexplored subject due to past approaches being often single-dimensioned which shied away from international politics.

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Sino-Vatican Diplomatic Relations. The Vatican Relations with both Sides of the Strait
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Alexandre Tsung-ming CHEN