4 conférences du Professeur XING Xiangdong, Professeur à l’Université Normale du Shaanxi

Monsieur XING Xiangdong 邢向东

Professeur à l’Université Normale du Shaanxi (RPC)

Professeur invité à l’EHESS par Hilary Chappell (EHESS/CRLAO) et Christine LAMARRE (Inalco/CRLAO)

assurera quatre conférences qui auront lieu en chinois les 3, 5, 10 et 12 avril 2019 à l’EHESS, au 54 Bd Raspail, 75006, Paris.

La première conférence aura lieu

le mercredi 3 avril 2019, de 16 heures à 18 heures, à l’EHESS en salle AS1_08

(1er sous-sol) au 54 bd Raspail,

sur le thème suivant:


(Word tone in Northwest Mandarin: Its relation with citation tone and tone sandhi)

Abstract: Word tone specifically refers to tones which occur in dissyllabic words but cannot be accounted for by citation tones or by tone sandhi. In Northwest Chinese, lexical tones follow a limited set of patterns and are related to morphology and syntax. We describe the main features of word tones, and discuss its relation with tone sandhi. A better understanding of this phenomenon will improve dialect survey methods in this domain.

提要 “词调”指西北方言中双音节以上的词语中那些不能从单字调的连读音变推导出来的调子。与词调密切相关的是单字调和连读调,其中单字调、连读调属于语音层面,词调属于词汇、语法层面。词调具有以下 5 个特点: 有限性,模式化,声调高/低与音节的长/短、轻/重相协调,首音节统摄,层次早于单字调和连读调。在调查研究实践中,可以采用正向确认法和反向确认法区分词调与连读调。面对单字调简化、连调复杂、词调发达的情况,建议对西北方言的调查步骤作适当调整。

关键词 西北官话 词调 单字调 连读调 关系

Les trois autres conférences prévues sont les suivantes:

(2) Vendredi 5 avril, 10h-12h, en salle AS1_24, à l’EHESS, 54 bd Raspail

再论词调——从词汇、语法层面透视汉语方言的连调问题 (More on Word Tone: An Investigation of Tone Sandhi in Chinese Dialects at the lexical and Grammatical Level)

Abstract: We investigate the issue of tone sandhi in Chinese dialects, and show the importance of word tone for the lexicon and the morphology of the Western Mandarin and Jin dialects. After clarifying the notions of "citation tone", " sandhi tone", and "word tone", we discuss, among other topics, reduplication patterns observed in nominal and adjectival morphology.


关键词:方言 词调 词汇 语法 功能


(3) Mercredi 10 avril, 16h-18h, à l’EHESS, en salle AS1_08 (1er sous-sol) au 54 bd Raspail

西部官话中名词小称形式的分布和类型研究——兼及动词重叠式的分布 (The distribution and typology of nominal diminutive patterns in Western Mandarin, with reference to the distribution of verbal reduplication patterns)

Abstract: In Western Mandarin (i.e. Southwestern Mandarin, Lanyin Mandarin and the western part of the Fenhe subgroup of Central Plains Mandarin), diminutive derivation is typically encoded by nominal reduplication. Reduplication may overlap with suffix -er 儿 or be in complementary distribution with it. We argue that in AA-er patterns the suffix 儿 is a later evolution in Western Mandarin, and that nominal and verbal reduplication show a complementary distribution in Mandarin dialects.




(4) Vendredi 12 avril 2019, 10h-12h, en salle A06_51 à l’EHESS, 54 bd Raspail

关中方言的状态名词及其句法、指称功能 (The Syntax and Semantics of Deadjectival Nouns in Guanzhong Dialects)

Abstract: We describe the prosodic features and the syntactic functions of two types of deadjectival nouns in Guanzhong dialects: AA/AA-zi patterns, derived through reduplication (with or without further suffixation) and ABB patterns, which involve tone change. Some deadjectival nouns refer to the state or property expressed by the original adjective, while others refer to entities possessing such a property. Both types show the high productivity of nominal reduplication in Guanzhong dialects.



EHESS 54 boulevard Raspail 75006 Paris